Benjamin Chevret, français adopte d’origine coréenne et vivant actuellement à Séoul présente le site sur lequel il travaille actuellement :
C’est un site de vente en ligne de produits coréens.
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Voici le descriptif issu du site :
Welcome to Korea Hallyu, the best place to get Korean products you will not be able to find elsewhere. If you are here, it means that you already know Korea or have an interest for Korean culture. Korean culture, and especially Korean entertainment is growing day after day all over the world and this movement called “Hallyu” in korean means “Korean wave”.
Our goal
Day after day, we are working hard to provide you the highest quality and the most reasonable prices to meet your needs in various kind of Korean products. Just take a look at our website and we hope that you will find the Korean goods you are searching for! If not, feel free to contact us and we will do the best to fulfill your wish.
How did Korea Hallyu come into existence?
Korea Hallyu, Officially launched on January 2012 from the parent company K & H International. The new company was created for one simple reason: help overseas people to get Korean products. This idea was conceived when it was a hassle buying something from a Korean website not knowing the language and not having a Korean ID. After thinking about this, we decided to help foreign people share Korean culture worldwide.
Who we are
Based in Seoul, South Korea, we are a enthusiastic team of youngsters with one common passion –Korea – this dynamic and amazing little country who is growing day after day in Asia. This enterprise is the result of two worlds, one Korean and one European united to grow a common passion.
Address: 459-4, Gaebong-dong, Guro-gu, Seoul, Korea / Business Licence: 113-22-04866 Company Name: K & H International
Tel: +8210 9479 7845/ E-mail: